
Making a difference together— it’s what The Pink Walk has always been about. From the very first walk, the purpose has always been to walk in support of those impacted by cancer and in honor of those we have lost to cancer. Since 2021, members of Team Spero and members of our communities have gathered on a Saturday in October to do just that. Whether walking in honor of a loved one, friend, or themselves, participants have honored and remembered those who have battled cancer during the event each year.
While The Pink Walk looks a bit different this year, its purpose remains the same. Below, we’ll honor the foundation laid by past events and look forward to the future of The Pink Walk, now known as The Pink Walk & Fun Run! We’ll dive into the heart of the event and the “why” behind it.
It is estimated that roughly 2 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States this year alone. With a number like that, it’s almost expected that we all will come into contact with the disease in some way or another. Whether through personal experience or walking alongside someone we care for, cancer is likely to impact our lives. The Pink Walk has long been an opportunity to honor the courageous men and women in our lives and in our communities who have walked through the fight against cancer— a mission the reimagined Pink Walk & Fun Run will carry on.
Play4Kay Fundraising Initiative
One way we’ve chosen to honor those who have fought against cancer is by joining efforts with Anderson University’s Women’s Basketball Team— a team who raises funds for the Kay Yow Cancer Fund each year. Created in honor of Coach Kay Yow and her fight against breast cancer, Play4Kay and the Kay Yow Cancer Fund work to fulfill Coach Yow’s hope to inspire others to make a difference in the fight that impacts us all. The fund reaches programs across the country while extending hope to survivors and raising money to aid in the fight against all cancers affecting women.
Since its inception, $8.78 million has been awarded to scientific research grants and programs that are a part of the fight against cancers affecting women. Through Play4Kay, the organization aims to bring together communities to honor cancer warriors, survivors, and thrivers. The Play4Kay initiative brings together players, coaches, officials, and fans to make an impact and achieve something greater than wins and losses in competition. Over 1,000 schools participate in Play4Kay, directly contributing to the almost $9 million in fundraising with Anderson University Women’s Basketball raising $16,000 in 2022 alone!
Reimagined for 2025
In considering the event’s purpose and the desire to make a difference, The Pink Walk has received a reimagined look for 2025! In years past, the event has always featured a free walk as the main event piece. In looking towards the future and how the event can be most impactful, it was decided that shifting to the Pink Walk & Fun Run model will be instrumental in fundraising efforts that will push us forward as we look to make a difference together! With a large piece of the event revolving around honoring and remembering those around us in their fight against cancer, we wanted to place emphasis on ensuring we are moving the needle forward in the fight against cancer. While funding for research makes a physical impact on the institutions who receive it, it also provides hope for all— those with the opportunity to give joyfully and those blessed to receive humbly.
It’s for these reasons that event registration and sponsorships are integrated into the 2025 Pink Walk & Fun Run. The proceeds from the event will go directly to Play4Kay and will eventually become grant funds for hospitals and institutions who are actively fighting against cancers of all kinds. With millions of dollars given to research, our hope is the Pink Walk & Fun Run becomes a way we remember those who have fought and a way we join in the fight against cancers affecting women.
Make plans to join us for the 2025 Pink Walk & Fun run happening February 1st in Anderson, South Carolina. Be a part of the opening and closing programs as we honor and remember those close to us and walk or run with us as we raise funds to aid in the fight against the disease. For more information, visit our event page!