Today, Spero Financial learned of a spoofing attempt by an unauthorized individual to gain credit card account information from two members. Please know that this is not a result of any internal failures at Spero Financial. However, we take the security of our member’s information very seriously. This communication is intended to provide details of the incident and steps you can take to further safeguard your information.
What Happened?
Spoofing is the act of scammers, disguising themselves as a known, trusted source to gain sensitive information. Spero Financial has been made aware of two spoofing incidents in reference to Spero Financial credit cards. In both incidents, the member received a phone call/or text message from an individual that identified as a Spero Financial employee who denoted potential fraud on the member’s Spero credit card account. The scammer then began asking for sensitive account information to research the “fraud” in further detail.
Steps To Take to Further Protect Your Information
Unfortunately, scammers use their skillsets for harm, and globally, there is a rise in this type of fraud. Please be highly cautious and vigilant for these types of schemes, as the intent is to take your money and get your personal information. Please note that if we reach out to you, we will not ask for confidential information such as your username, account passwords, personal identification number, or access ID. As the saying goes “It is better to be safe than sorry.” So, if you’re ever in doubt, please hang up/do not respond and call our Member Solution Center at 800-922-0446 to confirm the validity of the call/text.