Online Loan Pay


Quickly and securely make loan payments 24/7, using a debit card or ACH transaction from an account at another financial institution. Plus, get same-day processing when making payments by 5:00PM EST.

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online loan pay

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Here's how it works:

What You’ll need to get started

  • Email Address
  • Spero Financial Member Number of the primary account holder
  • Last Four Digits of Social Security Number of the primary account holder
  • Date of Birth of the primary account holder

to Register

  • Click here to visit the new payment platform website.
  • Select Register on the home screen.
  • Follow the prompts to input required information and set your password.


Once registered, eligible loans associated with your Spero Financial account will display for you to make a loan payment. Follow the prompts to make a payment by debit card or by setting up an ACH transaction. There is a $4.95 cost for a one-time ACH or debit card transaction, but it's free if you set up recurring ACH transactions.

View FAQs

Online Loan Pay FAQs

To make an ACH transaction, you will need to follow the prompts to validate the account you are pulling the funds from. For a step-by-step guide, watch this short video. If you're a Registered User, any new account will be validated the first time and then saved in your profile for future use. If you're an Express User, the account used to make the payment must be validated each time a payment is made. Please note that Online Loan Pay will not accept an ACH payment from a Spero account - instead, members are encouraged to make an internal funds transfer within MONEYLINKSM Online to easily make your loan payment at no cost.
With Express Pay, you do not have to create a username nor password. It is designed for a one-time payment, so your Online Loan Pay history will not be stored. By registering, setting up a username and password, Online Loan Pay will store your payment history and allow you to set up recurring ACH payments.
To register, you will need to have a valid email address and the following information as the primary account holder: Spero Financial member number, last four digits of your social security number, and your date of birth. Once registered, you can login using your established username and password.
Once logged in, eligible loans associated with your Spero account will display for you to make a loan payment. You will be able to select the loan based on a brief descriptor and the last two digits of your member number + two-digit loan number. For example, "PERSONAL LOAN ending in 1201."
Descriptor Loan Types
SECURED New/Use Auto, New/Used RV, New/Used Boat Motorcycle, Share/Certificate Secured, Secured Personal Other Collateral
R. ESTATE LOAN Lot Loans, Home Equity, HELOC 2-7 Yr ARM, Construction Loan, 7-10 Yr Balloon Other Real Estate Loans (not 1st Mortgage)
PERSONAL Personal Loan
OVERDRAFT LOC Overdraft Lines of Credit
Spero Financial loans that can be paid within Online Loan Pay include mortgages, credit card payments, share or certificate secured loans, auto/boat/RV/motorcycle loans, personal loans, home equity lines of credit, and overdraft lines of credit. Business loans cannot be made through Online Loan Pay. Please continue to make payments for these loan types by following instructions received at loan closing. If you should have any questions, contact us at 800.922.0446.
When making a payment with an ACH transaction, you can schedule a payment to process at a future date or set up recurring payments. This feature is not currently available for payments made by debit card.
You can make a loan payment up $2,500. There is no minimum amount.
Yes! However, please contact our Member Solutions Center at (800) 922-0446 or your local branch to confirm payoff amount – as the amount may differ from what is displayed in the Online Loan Pay platform. Once confirmed, log into Online Loan Pay to make the payment. Note: The platform allows a payment up to $2,500.
If you need to cancel a payment, please contact our Member Solutions Center at (800) 922-0446.
Yes! Up to (3) three loans can be paid in a single transaction.
If payments are made by 5:00PM ET, they will be processed same-day.
Visa® and Mastercard® debit cards are accepted. Please note that Spero debit cards are not accepted – instead, members are encouraged to make an internal funds transfer within MONEYLINKSM Online to easily make your loan payment at no cost.

Last, but not least:

¹1-3 business days are required to initially set up an inbound external transfer from an account at another financial institution.

²1-2 business days are required to initially set up a recurring payment.

³Night drop is opened each business day at 8:30AM ET. Deposits received after that time will be processed the following business day.

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