Spero Auto Loans
Personalized Financing that puts you in the driver's seat
Whether you're buying a new or used vehicle or needing to refinance, Spero Financial provides convenient financing customized to your needs — and your budget.
Here's how it works:
Get the funds you need to purchase the car you want (or need). Simply apply online to get started. Already purchased a car? No problem. We can help you save money by refinancing to a lower rate. For current rates, click here.
Same Day Funding Available1
Extended warranty programs are also available.
Extended Warranty
With Mechanical Breakdown Protection from Route 66 Warranty, be ready for the unexpected.3
Even the most reliable vehicle can develop a mechanical problem. Available for both new and pre-owned vehicles, this extended warranty protects you from major mechanical expenses, and there is no deductible on covered parts or labor. Plus, your vehicle does not have to be financed with Spero Financial to enjoy this member perk! Benefits include:
- Available for both new and pre-owned vehicles
- Zero deductible with direct claim payments via Visa/MasterCard
- Coverage is transferable if you sell your vehicle before your agreement expires - providing added resale value
- Nationwide coverage and 24/7/365 emergency roadside service
- 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
- Total Loss Refund: If your car is a total loss by the insurance company due to collision or act of God, Route 66 will refund the entire original premium of your service agreement.
Get Pre-Approved
When you get pre-approved* for a Spero Financial auto loan, you can select the perfect car and negotiate with confidence on what really matters: the price.
Two Ways to Apply
Apply At Your Local Branch
A member service representative at our branches can help you apply.
Financial Guidance You
Can Count On
Last, but not least:
Membership required. Subject to credit approval.
*Annual Percentage Rate is based on a credit score of 730 or greater (excludes thin file).
1 Same-day funding available on loans if: (1) the application is received by 2:00 p.m. on any day the credit union is open; (2) your application is approved using our standard underwriting guidelines; (3) you’ve provided all relevant information requested and we’ve had an opportunity to verify the information provided; and (4) you’ve reviewed and signed your loan agreements and disclosures.
3 This information is not intended to provide in depth information about all plans available. It only provides a basic overview of the Route 66 plans. Complete terms and provisions are contained within each of the plans.