Financial Realities of Adulting

by Spero Financial

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So, you’ve graduated? You’re moving out of your parent’s house, getting your first career-oriented job, and maybe having to figure out how to pay rent and student loans at the same time. “Adulting” for the first time can be intimidating and overwhelming, especially if there are unexpected expenses that you suddenly must pay.  

Let’s explore a few financial realities of adulting that just might leave you more prepared when the time comes to fly the nest! While everyone is at a different place in their financial journey, these topics can be adjusted for anyone at any step along the way. 


Budgeting is a huge pillar of financial wellness! Not only is your budget a tangible plan for your dollars, but it is also a health report of your financial life. Your budget lets you know where you are headed and where you have been! While you may have held a job in high school or college and may be familiar with budgeting, it becomes even more crucial when you have “big ticket” items as a line on your budget.  

If you are planning to move out in the near future, consider creating a budget for your new, expected expenses and “practice” paying the bills you will soon incur. This will give you real world practice at “adulting” while building your emergency fund at the same time! To do this, we suggest creating a budget for your expected expenses such as rent, insurance, utilities, transportation, etc. Once you’ve built your budget, begin following it! Do this by taking the amount allocated for the expenses you aren’t yet paying and putting that money into a savings account. This will replicate the reality of paying bills and give you a taste of how to handle your money when the time does come to pay for big ticket items. 

Tackling Debt 

33% of Americans ages 25 to 34 have student loan debt. It is common to graduate college with some sort of student debt but that makes walking into adulthood even harder as those become another line on your budget— sometimes taking up a lot of space! Student loan debt isn’t the only debt you may be carrying into adulthood. Any type of debt creates another obstacle you must address while preparing to support yourself. 

Keep in mind, any money that you borrow will eventually show up as a payment. When considering taking out loans for school, an auto loan, or credit cards, remember that your future self will pay for it— literally speaking!  

To read more about higher education and student loans, click here.


One of the largest line items on your budget will most likely be housing! Whether you rent or buy, housing is sure to make a dent in your monthly budget. But don’t forget about the smaller expenses that come along with housing that eventually add up, especially if you decide to purchase a home rather than rent! 

Some of the expenses that come along with housing that you should be mindful of are:  

  • Insurance 
  • Utilities 
  • Furniture  
  • Possible maintenance and repairs 

While this list isn’t extensive, it is a starting point to recognizing that the base rent or mortgage monthly payment is not the full picture of your monthly housing budget. It is important to consider all possible expenses, so you aren’t left blindsided when those first payments are due, and you owe more than you bargained for! 

Adulting is hard. It’s even harder when there are unexpected expenses thrown your way in the middle of navigating it all! We encourage you to look into all types of expenses that come with adulting, that way you aren’t caught off guard and left financially stretched when you first begin making payments on those new adult bills.  

Whether you’re just beginning your “adulting” journey, 40 years into it, or somewhere in between, let us walk alongside you in your financial journey today! Reach out to your local branch today to schedule a conversation with a Certified Financial Counselor.  

This material is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. 

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